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Our mission is to actively improve humanity’s individual & collective critical thinking and objectivity through tools, education, awareness, and action.

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Our individual and collective capacity for critical thinking and objectivity is under greater threat than ever before. Humanity has always struggled with these concepts, and the digital revolution has only exacerbated these issues. As we now embark on the AI revolution, we fear that the remnants of our collective rationality may not endure unless we take deliberate action to preserve it.

From an early age, we are seldom taught to think critically and objectively. Most parents desire conformity from their children, a tendency mirrored by organizations and governments alike. In this context, we face the dual challenge of inherent environmental pressures and the increasing difficulty of objectively analyzing the information we consume daily.

The only viable path forward is a proactive one. We cannot afford to continue our pattern of ignoring problems until they become unmanageable. By that point, it will be too late. We must fortify our minds and consciously strive to counteract the influences of our environment and the tools we're creating. Without such efforts, the prospect of achieving a shared, rational reality will remain elusive.

What We Do


We're creating a diverse array of tools designed to help individuals navigate both the digital realm and everyday life with greater effectiveness and rationality. Our mission is to equip people with the tools they need to approach complex issues, make informed decisions, and thrive in a rapidly changing world.


We are committed to developing educational resources that are freely available to individuals, organizations, and schools. Our aim is to provide an effective curriculum that encourages critical thinking and objectivity, ensuring that these essential skills are accessible to everyone. By offering these resources at no cost, we strive to remove barriers to education and empower people of all ages to engage thoughtfully and critically with the world around them.


A crucial part of our mission is to bring the issue of critical thinking in the age of AI to the forefront of public discourse. By raising awareness, we aim to ensure that society remains vigilant about the challenges to our ability to think critically and objectively. Our goal is to foster an environment where individuals are not only informed about these issues but are also equipped to actively address and combat them.


Our goal extends beyond merely providing exposure, tools, and resources; we are dedicated to actively creating the change we envision through various methods and strategies. Our comprehensive efforts aim to make a tangible impact and drive meaningful progress toward a more rational and informed society.

See What's Coming

Our Blog & News

07 Jul, 2024
Explore why watermarking generative AI content is ineffective and discover alternative approaches to ensure authenticity and accountability in the AI era.
07 Jul, 2024
Explore why watermarking generative AI content is ineffective and discover alternative approaches to ensure authenticity and accountability in the AI era.
07 Jul, 2024
Discover the benefits of playing devil's advocate and learn practical ways to incorporate this powerful tool for objective thinking and personal growth.
07 Jul, 2024
Discover practical advice for living a rational life. Learn how to make informed decisions and embrace critical thinking with the Objectively Foundation.
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Become A Partner

We are very interested in forming new partnerships as we begin to embark on this critical mission! If you believe & align with our mission and want to help drive it forward, we'd be more than happy to discuss a potential partnership. Feel free to visit Our Partners page to contact us and discuss things further. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Interested in helping our cause? We appreciate any and all help as we try to nudge humanity toward a more rational future. Whether you can donate your time or your money, both are equally appreciated!

We're aiming to build a self-sustaining organization that can rely on it's own revenue streams. That way we don't have to be solely reliant on donations to achieve our goals. With just a little help we can get this mission jumpstarted!

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